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My name is Crystal.  I am delighted that you are interested in knowing more about me and Crystal Clear Coaching. First, as a nonprofit coach, I am looking forward to helping you use your God-given gifts to impact your community through your nonprofit.  Allow me to give you my strategies, my tips, and a few gems, to help you rebuild your brand or bring it to life.  What are you waiting for? If not now, when?  It took a lot to get me to where I am today and I want to take you with me. Turn that passion into purpose and impact your community.  Serve those who are in need of your nonprofit.  Come on, let's go fulfill our purpose and impact our communities using our God-given gifts to give.

My Story

Crystal Hogue, MBA, an expert nonprofit coach, has over 25 years of working and volunteering in the nonprofit industry. She has gained a wealth of knowledge by being involved in nonprofit churches, schools, healthcare, and theater. She decided to start a small business in her community to help others who have a passion to give back to their community. She will teach you how to start, operate and lead a successful nonprofit business as well as many other areas.  Crystal is very passionate about helping pastors, community and executive leaders, young leaders, seasoned leaders and entrepreneurs start their nonprofits so that it is successful. She believes God gives gifts to the human race but it is up to us to use those gifts to serve others. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone was operating in their calling, their purpose, their passion,  and using all of their God-given gifts to serve others? These gifts mixed with skills, life and professional experiences, and education can impact communities.


With her love for bringing people, families, women, churches, schools, and communities together, she has used her creative executive leadership style to bring diversity and unity in many communities.

Crystal is the Founder and CEO of CHM Bible Theatre, a 501c3 nonprofit organization.  She has had over 8000 people attend her community Bible and inspirational stage play productions, events, and innovative programs including kid's programs. She also is the Executive Director of a nonprofit healthcare center where free healthcare is offered for the uninsured and underinsured patients in her community. She is an expert nonprofit coach and has coached leaders in several different industries. She has an extensive background in community service, grant writing and research, executive leadership, business and health administration, and community involvement. 

Crystal Clear Coaching can turn amateur leaders into professional nonprofit executive leaders so that they can make a difference and impact communities across the globe.
CCC will help assist you in turning your new nonprofit or revitalizing your old nonprofit into a successful nonprofit business.  


Turn your PASSION into PURPOSE and IMPACT your community!

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I'm always looking for leaders to help them reach success in their nonprofits.  Let's connect!


1717 W Kirby Avenue, Suite #317, Champaign, IL 61821

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